Rainer Hawlik: Bildung in Zeiten der Unterwerfung

Following his article „Bildung in Zeiten der Unterwerfung – über den Umgang mit Migrationsanderen in nationalen  Bildungseinrichtungen“, Rainer Hawlik speaks about the importance of acknowledgement and recognition of students with a different L1 than German in kindergarten and school who struggle with their intellectual development, meanwhile monolingual German speaking institutions of preschool and school don’t see the blind spot of its powerful monolingualistic attitude.
(Interviewer: Christian Berger, PH Wien)

Herausforderungen und Chancen muttersprachlichen Unterrichts beim Übergang von Elementarstufe zu Primarstufe

Abstract: In this article challenges and chances for mother tongue tuition in national educational institutes are discussed. Mother tongue teachers as mentors may close the gap between institutions of elementary and primary education for kids whose L1 is not the language mainly spoken in these institutions. It is discussed in how far KINDINMI takes a close look on these aspects in different countries, which are characterized by an institutional monolingual habitus regarding students with a different L1 than the majority language.

This article by Rainer Hawlik was published in Lindner, D. et al. (eds.) (2018): Kindergärten, Schulen und Hochschulen. Aktuelle Fragen, Diskurse und Befunde zu pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern. LIT Verlag: Wien, p.197-p.208
Herausforderungen und Chancen muttersprachlichen Unterrichts beim Übergang von Elementarstufe zu Primarstufe weiterlesen

Presentation of KINDINMI at conference “Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis”

Rainer Hawlik (PH Wien) was invited to present concepts and ideas of KINDINMI during the conference „Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis“, which took place on 20th and 21st of April 2018 in Linz (Austria) at PH Oberösterreich.

Hawlik gave an insight on challenges and chances of mother tongue tuition, especially in the field of transition from elementary school to primary school. Mother tongue tuition teachers could play a crucial role as mentors for kids, owning a low social economic and low social cultural status, while struggling at the same time with norms and values of a so-called majority society.

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