Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse

This published essay by Rainer Hawlik discusses seminars for teacher trainings, following pedagogic material which was developed during KINDINMI (KA2 2017-1-SE01-KA203-034587)

Rainer Hawlik (2019). Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse. In: Furch et al (Hrsg.): 1. Jahrestagung zur Menschenrechtsbildung. Schneider-Hohengehren: Baltmannsweiler, S. 60 – 69

Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse weiterlesen

Konzepte und Modelle zur wertschätzenden Begleitung mehrsprachiger Kinder im Rahmen der Kindergarten- und Vorschulpädagogik

Martina Sturm (Team Austria) wrote an article on KINDINMI, which was presented on 10th of April 2019 during the third national Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges of Teacher Education in Austria.

Konzepte und Modelle zur wertschätzenden Begleitung mehrsprachiger Kinder im Rahmen der Kindergarten- und Vorschulpädagogik weiterlesen

Scottish Context: The Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families

Scotland is a country within the United Kingdom (total population circa 66.6 million) geographically covering the northern third of Great Britain, with a population of circa 5.4 million which is the highest level ever recorded with annual net migration +31,700 (this and subsequent statistics available as of July 2018).  Although Edinburgh is the Capital, Glasgow is the largest city with a population of circa 598,830 and Aberdeen is the third largest city with a population of circa 220,420.

Scottish Context: The Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families weiterlesen

Lorraine Grant: Child B Case Study

Lorraine Grant works as an Early Years practitioner working in a local authority nursery situated in a small town in rural Aberdeenshire in the northeast of Scotland. This case study was researched as part of the ED2507 course -Supporting the Health and Well-being of Young Children which is part BA Childhood Practice degree at the University of Aberdeen.

Lorraine Grant: Child B Case Study weiterlesen

Fiona McCracken: Supporting the Health and Well-being in Young Children (Case Study, University of Aberdeen)

Recently, I have been conversing with parents, children and my preschool colleagues about how we support children’s health and well-being both daily and long term. I have carried out a series of planned and spontaneous observations on two children in order to build detailed profiles. Observing in this way allows me to create a holistic, honest account of their overall health and well-being.

Fiona McCracken: Supporting the Health and Well-being in Young Children (Case Study, University of Aberdeen) weiterlesen

Herausforderungen und Chancen muttersprachlichen Unterrichts beim Übergang von Elementarstufe zu Primarstufe

Abstract: In this article challenges and chances for mother tongue tuition in national educational institutes are discussed. Mother tongue teachers as mentors may close the gap between institutions of elementary and primary education for kids whose L1 is not the language mainly spoken in these institutions. It is discussed in how far KINDINMI takes a close look on these aspects in different countries, which are characterized by an institutional monolingual habitus regarding students with a different L1 than the majority language.

This article by Rainer Hawlik was published in Lindner, D. et al. (eds.) (2018): Kindergärten, Schulen und Hochschulen. Aktuelle Fragen, Diskurse und Befunde zu pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern. LIT Verlag: Wien, p.197-p.208
Herausforderungen und Chancen muttersprachlichen Unterrichts beim Übergang von Elementarstufe zu Primarstufe weiterlesen