Interview with Elfie Fleck who was as a municipal actor a high ranking civil servant in Ministry of Education (Departement: Migration & Multilingualism) until her pension in may 2017. Together with Elisabeth Furch (PH Wien) she invented the nationwide mother tongue tuition course of study, which enrolled already four times since 2012. In her interview with Martina Sturm she takes a close look on aspects in today’s migrant society.
Monat: Juni 2018
Three guests during the KINDINMI Joint Staff Training in Vienna
We are proud to pronounce our three guests lecturers during the Joint Staff Training from 17th to 19th October 2018 at PH Wien. Three guests during the KINDINMI Joint Staff Training in Vienna weiterlesen
Interview with Karin Steiner (Wiener Kinderfreunde)
Karin Steiner works as a head of the educational department of “Wiener Kinderfreude”, Austria’s biggest private kindergarten provider with deep roots in the social-democratic tradition of Victor Adler. Steiner reports how in our age of migration parents of plurilingual kindergarten children are successfully involved in kindergarten activities (“Elterncafé”, “Elternabende”), meanwhile it is a daily hard job to change attitudes and perspectives in a nation, which shows a strong monolingualistic habitus in educational institutions.
KINDINMI presentation in Stockholm
Dr. Véronique Simon, associate professor at the Department of Education in the Uppsala University, gives a talk on KINDINMI in Lecture hall L30 at Departement of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) in Stockholm-Kista, Sweden.