How do teachers of mother tongue tuition in Austria perceive their role?

As part of the Erasmus+ project KINDINMI (Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families), with the Swedish University of Uppsala as leading partner, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (University College of Teacher Education Vienna) managed to exchange experiences and intensify efforts to achieve mother tongue speaking classes in Sweden and Austria. Published in Volume 28(1) „Wayfinding Conversations: rethinking education to disrupt marginality“ of the journal „Education in the North“ Rainer Hawlik published his paper with the title: „How do teachers of mother tongue tuition in Austria perceive their role? Migration specific perspectives on teachers of migration languages within the Austrian public sector education system“

How do teachers of mother tongue tuition in Austria perceive their role? weiterlesen

Pour le meilleur et pour le pire: ethics and limitations in research within the field of educational sciences

At the „Journée franco-suédoise de la recherche“ on 21st of October 2020 Véronique Simon presented in Stockholm her keynote „Pour le meilleur et pour le pire: ethics and limitations in research within the field of educational sciences“

Pour le meilleur et pour le pire: ethics and limitations in research within the field of educational sciences weiterlesen

Dissemination: PH Wien on KINDINMI curriculum

Rainer Hawlik reports on the development of the KINDINMI curriculum in his current essay „Mehrsprachigkeit am Übergang von der Elementarstufe zur Primarstufe: zur Entwicklung von Curricula für Hochschullehrgänge (HAMEP und KINDINMI)“ which was published in Hawlik, R., Petz, R., Swoboda, W. (eds.) (2020). Migration Mehrsprachigkeit Menschenrechtsbildung. Festschrift für Elisabeth Furch. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren Verlag, pp. 75-84.

KINDINMI conference keynote speaker Tore Otterup wrote in the same festschrift for Elisabeth Furch an essay in Swedish: „Internationellt samarbete för att främja flerspråkiga och mångkulturella elevers skolgång“ (pp. 25-32) which concerns matters of the KINDINMI project.

Dissemination: PH Wien on KINDINMI curriculum weiterlesen

KINDINMI presentation during Conference „Tolerance(s) – concepts, language, history and practices“ at Stockholm University

Véronique Simon will present KINDINMI at „Tolerance(s) – concepts, language, history and practices“, which takes place on 12 October 2020. Further Key Note Speakers of the international Colloquium in Stockholm are Jenny White, Christer Mattsson, Denis Crouzet and Emmanuel Fraisse. Lilian Thuram, Honorary Doctor at Stockholm University, will speak at a public seminar.

KINDINMI presentation during Conference „Tolerance(s) – concepts, language, history and practices“ at Stockholm University weiterlesen

KINDINMI presentation for BIMM in ZOOM

Rainer Hawlik was invited to present his KINDINMI text „How do teachers of mother tongue instruction carry out their roles? Migration specific perspectives on teachers of migration languages within the Austrian public sector education system.“ (English Translation: Dorothea Scherer, University of Aberdeen) at BIMM conference which took place on 11th of May 2020 virtually in ZOOM. 18 Austrian University College Teachers attended the lecture.

KINDINMI presentation for BIMM in ZOOM weiterlesen

KINDINMI Curriculum presentation in Vienna (Austria)

Rainer Hawlik took the chance to present „Multilingual Pre-school Education as an opportunity“ (7,5 ECTS) on 26.02.2020 at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) during TNM of ERASMUS+project TRANSCA. In the audience were 11 University professors from Denmark, Austria, Greece and Croatia, who gave their feedback on the final version of the curriculum. KINDINMI Curriculum presentation in Vienna (Austria) weiterlesen

Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse

This published essay by Rainer Hawlik discusses seminars for teacher trainings, following pedagogic material which was developed during KINDINMI (KA2 2017-1-SE01-KA203-034587)

Rainer Hawlik (2019). Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse. In: Furch et al (Hrsg.): 1. Jahrestagung zur Menschenrechtsbildung. Schneider-Hohengehren: Baltmannsweiler, S. 60 – 69

Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer/innen: Menschenrechtsbildung unter Beachtung migrationsgesellschaftlicher Differenzverhältnisse weiterlesen