Martina Sturm (Team Austria) wrote an article on KINDINMI, which was presented on 10th of April 2019 during the third national Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges of Teacher Education in Austria.
In light of the recent wave of immigration, European countries are seeing themselves confronted with new challenges concerning the inclusion of multilingual families. The ERASMUS+ funded project KINDINMI researches opportunities for migrant children age zero to seven in the context of nursery/pre-school education and counts with the participation of Austria, the Czech Republic, Scotland and Sweden. Besides the exchange of examples of good practices and trans-European research using qualitative and quantitative methods, the project focuses on the development of educational tools, seminars and training courses for both teacher training and in-service teacher training. The project aims to empower pedagogical actors to support migrant children to reach their educational goals and to help them to tap their full potential as confident members of our society.
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