UNICEF Report: An Unfair Start. Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries

In the world’s richest countries, some children do worse at school than others because of circumstances beyond their control, such as where they were born, the language they speak or their parents’ occupations. These children enter the education system at a disadvantage and can drop further behind if educational policies and practices reinforce, rather than reduce, the gap between them and their peers.

UNICEF Report: An Unfair Start. Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries weiterlesen

Transnational Meeting and Joint Staff Meeting in Olomouc

From 8th to 11th of April 2019 a Transnational Meeting and Joint Staff Meeting took place in Olomouc at Palacký University. In Czech Republic Palacký University Olomouc is a university with long-standing tradition. Founded in the 16th century, it is the oldest university in Moravia and the second-oldest university in the Czech Republic.

Transnational Meeting and Joint Staff Meeting in Olomouc weiterlesen

KINDINMI presentation during Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges in Austria

On 10th of March 2019 the third national Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges of Teacher Education takes place in Baden, Austria. Brigitte Sorger (PH Wien) will present KINDINMI since Martina Sturm and Rainer Hawlik are at the TNM in Olomouc.

KINDINMI presentation during Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges in Austria weiterlesen

Preparations for TNM and JST in Czech Republic in April 2019

At Palacký University Olomouc preparations are made for the next KINDINMI Transnational Meeting, which will be followed up by a Joint Staff Training. Mgr. Alena Vavrdová, Ph.D. and Prof. PhDr. Eva Šmelová, Ph.D. make plans for this next KINDINMI meeting from 8th to 11th of April 2019

Preparations for TNM and JST in Czech Republic in April 2019 weiterlesen

KINDINMI Workshop in Czech Republic at Olomouc University

V průběhu měsíce září 2018 se v rámci výuky předmětů Poznávání přírody a společnosti pro obor Učitelství pro mateřské školy uskutečnily semináře k mezinárodnímu projektu ERASMUS+ KINDINMI – The Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families.

KINDINMI Workshop in Czech Republic at Olomouc University weiterlesen

Presentation of KINDINMI at conference „Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis“

Rainer Hawlik (PH Wien) was invited to present concepts and ideas of KINDINMI during the conference „Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis“, which took place on 20th and 21st of April 2018 in Linz (Austria) at PH Oberösterreich.

Hawlik gave an insight on challenges and chances of mother tongue tuition, especially in the field of transition from elementary school to primary school. Mother tongue tuition teachers could play a crucial role as mentors for kids, owning a low social economic and low social cultural status, while struggling at the same time with norms and values of a so-called majority society.

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