KINDINMI presentation in Bologna

The Italian National Agency INDIRE and the Spanish National Agency SEPIE organised together with Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna an international seminar on “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross-fertilisation on social inclusion and civic engagement“.

Véronique Simon explains goals of KINDINMI

The event took place from 25.06 until 27.06.2019 and was hosted by the University of Bologna. It started with a conference for the celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration ( organized by Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and the European University Association (EUA).

Véronique Simon (University Uppsala) was
invited to present KINDINMI during the seminar “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross-fertilisation on social inclusion and civic engagement“.